The Centre for Promoting Lifelong Learning in collaboration with Jilava penitentiary and Ploiești penitentiary organized the pilot training of EESPIP modules with a total of 17 participants (prison psychologists, social workers, educators, and correctional agents). The trainings were held on 15th of July (online) and on 4th of August (on site).
The feedback provided in the evaluation forms was extremely positive, with the majority of participants rating the resources and their relevance favourably. .
The EESPIP multiplier event took place in Kraków, małopolska voivodship in Poland. There were presented 16 participants from education institutions dealing with inmates and ex-inmates. During the multiplier even there were presented aims and objectives of the project, all results (5 IOs) and there was also tested in front of computers all products of the EESPIP project. All participants agreed that the project looks very interesting and useful in the daily work of participants with their beneficiaries. |