Output I
Guide to enable and endors women and minorities education in a prison environment
The first part of the project will be focused in developing the 'image' of the reality we are working on, in each of the partner country and at European level.
We will publish in book format the context and comments of the need analysis research activities. As discussed, women inmates and minorities face a range of barriers to access learning, both institutional as personal. Furthermore, given the current context in many countries of Europe a
number of factors constrain the extent to which education and training can be offered and the range of provision which can be made available, including:
- finite staff & resources
- restrictions imposed by the security requirements of the prison regime; and
- priorities of policy makers.
The prison culture and environment have an important influence on the take-up of education and training of inmates. This includes the actual surroundings in which education and training take place as well as the staff involved in both prison education and training and those involved in overseeing the prison itself (i.e. prison officers and governors).
The process:
Based on existing documents and surveys each partner will define in his own country what is the context of the prison system and set the qualitative and quantitative indicators for the research. As described in the above chapters, we plan to reach a 2 % for prison staff and 0.5% of prison population in our quantitative research and each partner needs to establish in terms of real numbers what the percentage represents. Also in the need analysis we will set the common definitions and understandings of concepts, so that the conclusions can be understandable and comparable in other European countries. Besides addressing the direct and indirect target group with surveys, we will do document research, look for other comparable and similar project developments, reach to professional association.
We will publish in book format the context and comments of the need analysis research activities. As discussed, women inmates and minorities face a range of barriers to access learning, both institutional as personal. Furthermore, given the current context in many countries of Europe a
number of factors constrain the extent to which education and training can be offered and the range of provision which can be made available, including:
- finite staff & resources
- restrictions imposed by the security requirements of the prison regime; and
- priorities of policy makers.
The prison culture and environment have an important influence on the take-up of education and training of inmates. This includes the actual surroundings in which education and training take place as well as the staff involved in both prison education and training and those involved in overseeing the prison itself (i.e. prison officers and governors).
The process:
Based on existing documents and surveys each partner will define in his own country what is the context of the prison system and set the qualitative and quantitative indicators for the research. As described in the above chapters, we plan to reach a 2 % for prison staff and 0.5% of prison population in our quantitative research and each partner needs to establish in terms of real numbers what the percentage represents. Also in the need analysis we will set the common definitions and understandings of concepts, so that the conclusions can be understandable and comparable in other European countries. Besides addressing the direct and indirect target group with surveys, we will do document research, look for other comparable and similar project developments, reach to professional association.
Output II
"Prison as Learning Environment”, mentoring support on situational awareness
The second part of the EESPIP project is about developing content, mainly based on the results appearing from the first major output, the need analysis. The modularized content is developed in such a way that we will have a first module directed to and accessible for all prison staff and supporting partners that want to understand what is a "learning prison" and why we need to have such a concept. The rest of the 3 modules will be focused each on one key player - the officer, the manager and the officers' trainer.
This module is a stand-alone entity, which is capable of incorporation into a number of different named vocational qualification programmes of study/qualifications. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that:
- any participant can build them later on into the own lifelong leaning process
- any training institution or HR department within the prison system can understand and integrate in its own training offer, regardless of being in the project partnership or not.
In this common introductory module we plan to set the tone about the extend of prison education, how this impacts in the daily activities, what it does and what it does not. We will also introduce concepts from the theory of education, so as one can understand where prison education can be situated.
This module is a stand-alone entity, which is capable of incorporation into a number of different named vocational qualification programmes of study/qualifications. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that:
- any participant can build them later on into the own lifelong leaning process
- any training institution or HR department within the prison system can understand and integrate in its own training offer, regardless of being in the project partnership or not.
In this common introductory module we plan to set the tone about the extend of prison education, how this impacts in the daily activities, what it does and what it does not. We will also introduce concepts from the theory of education, so as one can understand where prison education can be situated.
Output III
Support on the mentoring of prison officers
The module for prison officers is a stand-alone entity, which is capable of incorporation into a number of different named vocational qualification programmes of study/qualifications for prison officers. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that:
- any participant can build them later on into her/his own lifelong leaning process for continuing education in professionalization of prison officers.
- any training institution or HR department within the prison system can understand and integrate in its own training offer, regardless of being in the project partnership or not.
The third output is developed especially for prison officers. The focus is on making the learners understand that:
- prisoners will have a learning experience throughout the entire detention time, not just in "classes";
- a prison officer is the person who spends probably the most time in direct contact with a prisoner and can be a role model, a source of learning and can have a positive influence;
- the lifelong learning process is essential to all of us in order to develop and become better, professionally and personally;
- the prison environment is a challenging setting where team work can bring more to learning, not just for prisoners but also for the staff.
-learn how to teach in informal situation
The module for prison officers is a stand-alone entity, which is capable of incorporation into a number of different named vocational qualification programmes of study/qualifications for prison officers. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that:
- any participant can build them later on into her/his own lifelong leaning process for continuing education in professionalization of prison officers.
- any training institution or HR department within the prison system can understand and integrate in its own training offer, regardless of being in the project partnership or not.
The third output is developed especially for prison officers. The focus is on making the learners understand that:
- prisoners will have a learning experience throughout the entire detention time, not just in "classes";
- a prison officer is the person who spends probably the most time in direct contact with a prisoner and can be a role model, a source of learning and can have a positive influence;
- the lifelong learning process is essential to all of us in order to develop and become better, professionally and personally;
- the prison environment is a challenging setting where team work can bring more to learning, not just for prisoners but also for the staff.
-learn how to teach in informal situation
Output IV
Vocational training for prison staff
The module targets the external trainers, their pedagogical approach to coach prison staff, specially to detect and answer the educational needs of vulnerable prison population. It will be incorporated into a number of different named vocational qualification programmes of study/qualifications for prison officers. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that:
- any participant can build them later on into her/his own lifelong leaning process for continuing education in professionalization of prison officers.
- any training institution or HR department within the prison system can understand and integrate in its own training offer, regardless of being in the project partnership or not.
This module is developed especially for prison managers.The focus is on making the learners manage:
-the need for educational policy making in their institution
-organize and manage training propositions
-organize and manage the support of training programs
-organize and manage the reporting structure on the succes of the pedagogical efforts
The module targets the external trainers, their pedagogical approach to coach prison staff, specially to detect and answer the educational needs of vulnerable prison population. It will be incorporated into a number of different named vocational qualification programmes of study/qualifications for prison officers. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that:
- any participant can build them later on into her/his own lifelong leaning process for continuing education in professionalization of prison officers.
- any training institution or HR department within the prison system can understand and integrate in its own training offer, regardless of being in the project partnership or not.
This module is developed especially for prison managers.The focus is on making the learners manage:
-the need for educational policy making in their institution
-organize and manage training propositions
-organize and manage the support of training programs
-organize and manage the reporting structure on the succes of the pedagogical efforts
Output V
Support for the structural reinforcement of the educational system in prisons
The module for managers is a stand-alone entity, which is capable of incorporation into a number of different named professional programmes of study/qualifications for wardens, CVET for officers in training to take the warden's exam, prison managers that aim to make promotion. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that any participant can build them late on into his own lifelong leaning process for continuing education adult education.
"Leadership is needed among policymakers and practitioners in building a public conversation about prisons as a core public service that serves us all, not just the victims and perpetrators of crime. This requires a more open and honest debate about the fundamental purpose of prisons and the policy choices available, and much clearer and stronger evidence of what works and why." - The Learning Prison. This is the context of the module we will develop for prison managers. The purpose of the module is to bring to attention the fact that further engagement of users in the delivery and design of prison services is likely to deliver greater efficiency and complement rehabilitation programmes aimed at building skills and increasing personal responsibility. This is the case of prison education. We will bring into discussion the difficult setting: overcrowding, prisoners will special needs and considerations, under-staffing. We will put light on the silent but ever-present dichotomy: learning and skills providers tend to view prisoners in terms of their potential, whereas those running prisons have to contend more directly with public safety and security . Wardens, prison officers and managers are critical in shaping prisoners’ access to learning and the amount of emphasis that is given in any proper institution. Prison officers are the largest staff group and have the most contact with prisoners. There are concerns within the prison system as a whole that there are too few prison officers to ensure the safety of prisoners and the security of institutions, let alone engage in the provision of rehabilitation and supporting/reinforcing learning curves.
10 managers by country will attend a one day training course. The subject will be to understand the importance of prison education and how to support , from manager's point of view, their implementation in their own organization.
The module for managers is a stand-alone entity, which is capable of incorporation into a number of different named professional programmes of study/qualifications for wardens, CVET for officers in training to take the warden's exam, prison managers that aim to make promotion. In order to do so we will use the common European language of EQF and ECVET.
The module will be constructed following the ECVET concepts, so that any participant can build them late on into his own lifelong leaning process for continuing education adult education.
"Leadership is needed among policymakers and practitioners in building a public conversation about prisons as a core public service that serves us all, not just the victims and perpetrators of crime. This requires a more open and honest debate about the fundamental purpose of prisons and the policy choices available, and much clearer and stronger evidence of what works and why." - The Learning Prison. This is the context of the module we will develop for prison managers. The purpose of the module is to bring to attention the fact that further engagement of users in the delivery and design of prison services is likely to deliver greater efficiency and complement rehabilitation programmes aimed at building skills and increasing personal responsibility. This is the case of prison education. We will bring into discussion the difficult setting: overcrowding, prisoners will special needs and considerations, under-staffing. We will put light on the silent but ever-present dichotomy: learning and skills providers tend to view prisoners in terms of their potential, whereas those running prisons have to contend more directly with public safety and security . Wardens, prison officers and managers are critical in shaping prisoners’ access to learning and the amount of emphasis that is given in any proper institution. Prison officers are the largest staff group and have the most contact with prisoners. There are concerns within the prison system as a whole that there are too few prison officers to ensure the safety of prisoners and the security of institutions, let alone engage in the provision of rehabilitation and supporting/reinforcing learning curves.
10 managers by country will attend a one day training course. The subject will be to understand the importance of prison education and how to support , from manager's point of view, their implementation in their own organization.
- what is the role of manager regarding the reinsertion of women and minorities ?
- What really exists in their prison to favor the access to training for women and minorities ?
- How could they interact in order to put in place a weel organized training system,
- how could they improve the existing system ?
The EESPIP project is co-financed by ERASMUS + programme ( KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for adult education). ERASMUS + is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport (2014-2020). This website has been accomplished during the “EESPIP” project implemented with financial support of the European Commission by the Erasmus + Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author. The Erasmus+ agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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